Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association have one of the biggest and most important jobs in the country; helping everyone achieve a better income in retirement.

The challenge they faced was that their brand wasn’t effectively communicating their mission and the breadth of what they offer to members and the industry.

We created an ambitious and flexible brand proposition that was elevated (not hampered) by the great variety of services and expertise that the PLSA offers it’s members.

The new proposition led to an overhaul of the PLSA website; we used it to focus on everything from user experience and the flow of information to visual language, elevating who the PLSA are and what they do.

We created a dynamic look and feel for the PLSA’s annual report; bringing to life their new brand proposition right from the word go.

Their annual conference was the best attended in its long history (in turn generating a 12% increase in revenue) and feedback from delegates and members on the new proposition has been emphatically positive.

Overall the brand proposition has already driven an 18% YoY uplift in member engagement; the PLSA’s most important business metric.


Department of Health

The Challenge​

Raise awareness of the dangers of smoking to inspire family members in the South West to quit.

The Insights

1 in 2 smokers will die early due to smoking

British Medical Journal

‘Hard hitting’ imagery no longer cuts through


Family is the strongest trigger for a South West audience

The Proposition

All the things you’ll never experience.

The Results​

Be There Tomorrow delivered significant shifts in awareness of the dangers of tobacco among smokers and non-smokers in the South West, with 215,000 more people now aware that smoking kills half of all smokers early. 480,000 smokers recalled seeing, hearing or reading about the campaign. 1 in 3 smokers among our key target audience of smokers with young families took a positive step towards quitting.


Recalled the campaign

1 in 3

Families took a positive step towards quitting